Analisis Pertumbuhan Perbankan Syariah

Aulia Rahman, Ratna Sari Dewi


This study aims to provide information about the development of Islamic financial
institutions, especially in Islamic banking in Indonesia, which is certainly seen
from the development of the number of offices and profits obtained by Islamic
banking. The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative method, where
the researcher will collect data related to the development of Islamic banking, the
data is taken from the official website of the Indonesian Bani, and the Financial
Services Authority or often referred to as OJK. The results obtained in this study,
that Islamic banks continue to experience an increase in the number of offices
from year to year, although there are several years experiencing decline, as well as
profits earned by Islamic banks. But despite the decline, Islamic banks continued
to show their existence and continue to develop Islamic banking itself.

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