Land Characteristics Evaluation of Tripa Peat-Swamp for Palm Oil Plantation, Aceh Province, Indonesia



Peat swamp forest has been continuing threatening in last decade. Tripa peat swamp forest plays important role in the system of watershed hydrology because of its ability to absorb water up to several times higher than its weight and its function as the enormous carbon reserves storage, either from above or below ground level. However, Tripa peat swamp has been used as palm oil plantation. It is important to evaluate the land characteristics to determine the level of suitability the area in order to put the area in term of environmental conservation. This paper presents a land suitability evaluation of Tripa Peat-Swamp Forest (TPSF), Aceh Province, Indonesia for palm oil plantation. The criteria of suitability used is referred to FAO and technical manual of Agricultural Land Resources for 16 land mapping units obtained. Selected parameters such as soil types, thickness and maturity of the peat, as well as the type of land use were utilized to obtain the land mapping units. Results show that more than half (above 52%) of TPSF area are not suitable for palm oil plantations. The main limiting factor is the land condition that iseasily inundated, the thickness of the peat layer>200 cm, and the maturity of the peat is at fibric-stage. Subclass categories were generating to predict the suitability level; moderate and marginal suitable. The areas which are suitable for palm oil plantations moderately suitable; called as S2-rc which limiting factor is nutrient retention account for 8.97% of the area and marginally suitable; subclass S3-nr,fh with limiting factor of soil fertility and flooding accounts for 43,03% of the total area investigated


Tripa peat swamp, land characteristics, palm oil.

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