Keadilan Sosial Bagi Pasien Pengguna Bpjs Dalam Memperoleh Layanan Kesehatan Dalam Perspektif Konseling Multikultural

Yuwinda Ardila


Health as human rights is a very important thing to fight for, because health is the cause of the quality and future of a nation. To ensure the health of all levels of society in a nation, health insurance is needed in order to facilitate the poor and less able to obtain their rights as human beings. But social justice often does not take sides with the lower classes so that their rights are ignored by those who should be responsible. It is hoped that the government will pay more attention to the rights of its people equally so that it does not cause social inequality, because the fifth principle reads "social justice for all Indonesian people". So the purpose of writing this article is to find out the causes of injustice in the quality of services provided by RSUD to patients using BPJS in the perspective of multicultural counseling.


Social Justice, Patients User BPJS, Health Services, Multicultural Counseling

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