Rega Nadella, Yuli Syafitri, Sri Rezeki Arbaningsih, Debby Mirani Lubis


Background: Cigarette is one of the major threats to the health of the world community. About 80% of smokers in the world comes from low and medium economy countries including Indonesia. Cigarette smoke has an adverse effect on human health. The nicotine in cigarettes damage the immune response system and causes constriction of the blood vessels, including the blood vessels in the tissue surrounding the teeth. This led to a decrease of oxygen in the tissues and damage the immune system, thus forming an environment favourable for the growth of bacteria cause periodontal disease. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of the oral cavity bacteria of smokers and not smokers. Methods: The study was analytic comparatvie with cross sectional approach with data collection were taken in one time on two groups and then the results are compared and analyzed. The subject of research as many as 60 people consisting 30 people of light-medium smokers and 30 people is not smokers in an environment of medical faculty in Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera. Results: There is a difference between the oral cavity bacteria of smokers and not smokers (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There is a difference between oral cavity bacteria of smokers and not smokers, because the substances contained in cigarette smoke are progresive change colonies of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Key words: smoking, Oral Cavity Bacteria.

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