Analisis Pengaruh Belanja Sektor Kesehatan Terhadap Angka Harapan Hidup Di Sumatera Utara

Yuditya Nasution, Lailan Safina Hasibuan


In increasing economic growth in an area, a dominant role is needed by
the government in the area, where the government is spending in the
hope that the greater the amount of government spending, the greater
the economic growth of the region. The Human Development Index
(HDI) in which there is a component of life expectancy is one of the
measuring tools in looking at economic growth in an area. If the life
expectancy in an area is higher then the level of productivity of the
people in the area is also higher followed by an increase in income per
capita which increases the purchasing power thus spurring the
economic growth of the region. The purpose of this study was to
examine the effect of government health spending in the health sector
on life expectancy in the province of North Sumatra. The data used are
North Sumatra government expenditure data in the field of health and
life expectancy data in North Sumatra with the 2006-2014 base year
obtained from the North Sumatra BPS and the Ministry of Health. The
results of the Klassen Typology show that the relationship between
health sector spending and life expectancy in the North Sumatra
provincial district / city that which area is included in the high per
capita expenditure category and where the area of life expectancy is


Health Sector Expenditures, life expectancy in North Sumatra

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