Popi Adiyes Putra, Nurnasrina Nurnasrina, Saufi Saufi


Today e-commerce is progressing very rapidly so that it brings benefits for the community to do business online by utilizing the available marketplace. This progress caused new problems, including the occurrence of fraud under the guise of online buying and selling, the goods received by the buyer are not the same as the goods ordered, the buyer who does not want to pay when the goods are received is not the same as the order, or there are defects in the goods sent, and various problems other. This problem arises because of business ethics that sellers, couriers and buyers do not apply. MUI has a vital role and authority related to sharia, such as issuing halal certificates, issuing fatwas, supervising the implementation of fatwas, providing sharia considerations on products and business behavior of entrepreneurs. To protect sellers, couriers, marketplaces and buyers from these practices. Fraud in e-commerce, then MUI together with the government is expected to make policies on regulating sharia-compliant e-commerce transactions and encourage the government and other private institutions to establish sharia branding, especially for marketplaces such as those in sharia minimarkets, so that in the end, it is hoped that a sharia marketplace will be born.

Keywords: e-commerce, halal products, sharia branding, and sharia marketplace

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