The Development of Web-Based Health Center Management Information System at Puskesmas Pinarik Using Codeigniter Framework

Raveah Nasution, Husni Lubis, Halim Maulana


Information systems are one of the fields of science within the computer science family where technically it refers more to business processes and management of an application to the sustainability of business processes of institutions, industries or organizations. The need for information systems in the industrial world is increasing along with the development of technology which has very significantly grown, many models and technologies are offered to simplify the processes that take place in companies or in agencies to reduce and minimize errors and human-errors. This is also felt by a government agency in Batang Lubu Sutam District, where there is a Puskesmas that is still very overwhelmed in the administrative process because it has not utilized technology in managing the processes in the Puskesmas, both in terms of patient registration and other related processes. . The need for a Management Information System is the right solution for the Pinarik Health Center to improve the quality of service and administrative systems at the Puskesmas. In addition to speeding up the administrative process, the existence of a Management Information System will make it easier for patients visiting because the entire process has been systemised. The Management Information System that will be built at the Pinarik Health Center will use a web-based platform using the MVC (Model View Controller) model with the Code Igniter framework and MySQL as the database storage medium. It is hoped that with the Information Management System the administrative process of the Pinarik Health Center will be effective and efficient and provide convenience both for patients and for the Puskesmas itself in particular.

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