Analisis E-Business pada Keputusan Kewirausahaan Bisnis Digital (Sebuah Kajian Literatur Studi)

Irham Fahmi, Rudi Fachruddin, Vivi Silvia


This research is a study of the study literature by making digital business as part of e-business which has an influence on the development of the business world so rapidly today. The emergence of buying and selling online causes a variety of products to be seen and known prices and even negotiate prices without having to come directly to where the goods are sold.,,,,,, online palasari, cheap online books, and various other media that are becoming more and more different types is a form of community search in a more orderly way of life modern, efficient and effective. The application of e-business in a business unit can actually cause profits or losses for the business unit in question. However, if we examine more deeply the positive impacts are considered greater than the negative impacts. The survey results prove how businesses that use internet devices as a promotional medium experience higher sales increases compared to conventional format businesses. The digital business market allows the availability of thousands of suppliers and millions of buyers who are always able to obtain goods in accordance with their satisfaction. This condition shows that digital business has become a business that has a big impact in supporting entrepreneurship which leads to a model and format that is far more flexible and easily accessible to all segments of consumers wherever they are.


Entrepreneurship Decisions, and Digital Business

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