The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Model PJBL To Increase The Poetry Writing Results On Poetry Study Course in Indonesian Literature of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Universitas Jambi

Liza Septa Wilyanti, Julisah Izar, Nurfitri Susanti


This reasearch aimed to increase the students poetry writing results on
Poetry Study Course in Indonesian Literature of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty Universitas Jambi by using Project-based learning
model (PBJL). The methodology of this research was the classroom
action approach by using project-based learning model (PBJL) which
emphasized the students activities to produce the products and used the
projects/activities as a learning process to reach the attitude competition,
knowledge, and skills. The results of this research showed that the
application of this project-based learning process (PBJL) could increase
the students poetry writing results. Based on the results of project
worksheets, the average score on the project worksheet was 72,50 while
the learning success target was 70,00. So, the success target of learning
results on cycle 1 was achieved and could be continued to the next cycles
in order to get the students learning score results which could be reached
80 or could be categorized into A. The students poetry writing results in
Indonesian Literature could increase after using project-based learning
model (PBJL).
Keywords: Project-based learning model (PJBL), Poetry Writing,
Poetry Study Course

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