Analysis of the Physical Properties for Cow Nuggets Mixed with Lard in Order to Improve Halal Food Safety



The halalness of a food product is very important to be taken into consideration in consuming food products. Processing of beef nuggets must be in accordance with processing standards and not mixed with other compounds (lard). The Lard is often mixed into beef nuggets for reasons of increasing flavor. The n-hexane solvent and maceration time were varied in order to determine the physical properties of the sample. This study aims to determine the effect of n-hexane concentration and maceration time on the analysis of cow nuggets mixed with lard. Complete Randomized Design (CRD) factorial was carried out with 2 (two) replications. Factor 1 was chosen variation of n-hexane concentration (symbol K) consisting of 4 levels, namely K1 = 20%, K2 = 30%, K3 = 40%, K4 = 50%. Factor 2 was chosen maceration time (symbol W) consisting of 4 levels, W1 = 6 hours, W2 = 12 hours W3 = 18 hours, W4 = 24 hours. Parameters observed included Specific Weight, Iodine Numbers, Acid Numbers and Total Microbes. The results showed that the effect of n-hexane concentration had a very significant different effect on the level (P> 0.01) of the specific gravity, iodine number, acid number, and total microbes. The maceration time had a very significant effect on the level (P> 0.01) of the specific gravity of iodine numbers and total microbes, and the effect was significantly different on the level (P> 0.05) of acid numbers. Interaction treatment regarding the effect of n-hexane concentration and maceration time had a very significant different effect on the level (P> 0.01) of iodine number, and the effect on the non-significant level (P> 0.05) on specific gravity, acid number and total microbes.


nugget, cow, lard, concentration, halal food

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