Characteristics of Ipomea Aquatica-Sulfur Chips Quality from Karo Land North Sumatera



The research about Characteristics of Ipomea Aquatica - Sulfur Chips Quality From Karo Land, North Sumatera was conducted at April until August. This study aims to determine carbohydrate content, protein content, total fat content, sulfur content, water content, ash content, peroxide value, shelf life and organoleptic value of Ipomea aquatica - Sulfur chips from Karo Land, North Sumatera. Protein content was about 9,58%; carbohydrate content was about 5,73%; total fat content was about 11,04%; ash content was about 82,21%; sulfur content was about 54,25%; water content was about 0,15%, peroxide value was about 7,14 meqO2/kg. Shelf life was observed by water content at 27 0C until 90 days without preservatives. Water content increased continuously at 27 0C ie 0,15% at the first day and 7,3% at 90 days. Organoleptic value of chips based on colour, texture, aroma and flavor. The colour of chips ie 15% was really like, 80% was like and 5% was dislike. The texture of chips ie 5% was very crunchy, 85% was crunchy, 10% was not crunchy. The aroma showed that 5% was really like, 75% was like, 10% was less like and 10% was dislike. The flavor of chips ie 20% was really like,75% was like and 5% was less like.


characteristics, chips,karo land, Ipomea Aquatica-sulfur, north sumatera

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