Determination Concentrations of Tuba Root Extract (Derris Eliptica (Roxb.) Benth) to Control Pest Lamprosemaindicata F at Soybean Glycine Max (L.) Merrill
Lamprosemaindicata F is amajor pest of soybeanplantsthatcause a loss ofproduction ofbetween65.87% . Using thetubaroot extractas an insecticideis expected to reducethe risk ofcroplossbyLamprosemaindicata F. This researchaimedtoobtainthe appropriate concentrationoftubaroot extract(DerrisellipticaBenth) to controlLamprosemaindicataF onsoybeanGlycine max (L.) MerrilResearchconductedexperimentsusing arandomized block design(CBD) withtreatments and 4replications.Datawere statistically analyzedusingAnalysisof varianceandfurther tested by(Duncans New Multiple Range Test)DNMRT at a rate of5%.Theresultsshowedthat theconcentration of 12.5% extract oftubarooteffectiveforcontrollingLamprosemaindicataF with mortality rateof about51,79%.
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