Effect of P Fertilization Dosage and Black Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Varieties on the Quality in Rainfed Rice Land
An important nutrient problem in rainfed land is phosphorus, due to low nutrient availability, whereas P is very important for plants when filling seeds. This study aims to evaluate the effect of P fertilization dosage and black soybean (glycine max L.) varieties on the quality in rainfed rice land. This study was conducted in rainfed land, Desa Panti Gemi Kecamatan Stabat, Langkat, Sumatera Utara. The research used split plot design with two factors. The first factor was P fertilizer, it were 0 kg TSP kg/ha, 75 kg TSP kg/ha, 150 kg TSP kg/ha, 225 kg TSP kg/ha, 300 kg TSP kg/ha and the secound factor was varieties, it Detam 1 variety and Mallika variety. The result indicated that P fertilizer up to 225 kg kg / ha TSP on black soybean plants showed significant effect on increase protein content. The Detam 1 variety showed the highest effect on P uptake. Whereas the combination of two factors was no significant effect.
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