Chemical composition and Antimicrobial Characteristicon Thecurrylea fessential Oil(Murraya Koenigiil) in Kecamatan Medan Sunggal, Sumatera Utara



The use of herbal medicines is considered safer, cheaper, and has no side effects today. One source of herbal medicine is essential oil. Indonesia is also quite potential in the production of essential oils. The use of essential oils from natural ingredients as medicine is increasingly in demand by the society, along with the "back to nature" carried out by the society. Essential oils are used to give flavor and aroma to food, drinks, perfumes and cosmetics, antiseptic, drugs, flavoring agents in food or beverages, and anti-microbial. As a source of essential oil, curry (Murraya koenigii L), known as curry leaf. This review is to discuss the chemical composition of curry leaf essential oil, and various uses of essential oils from curry leaves as a source of herbal medicine ingredients


chemical composition, Essential oils, curry leaves

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