Safety of Gaharu Tea (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk) from Induction Tree Through 28 Days Ora l Subchronic Toxicity Test



Subcronic toxicity test is a test to detect the effect that appear after the implementation of preparation test with repeated doses by orally in tested animal for 28 or 90 days. Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk) is used by the gaharu farmers in Langkat as a brewed beverage. The aim of this study is to know the availability of toxic symptoms appearing from induced gaharu tea products. This study used the male and female mice which is divided into 5 treatment groups, 130, 260, 390, and 520 mg/kgBW doses, and control group. The observation results of clinical toxic symptoms indicating the availability of weak symptoms, modification of fur and anxiety in male and female mice, macropathological observation of the organ of mice were still normal with brownish red color, slippery surface, and rubbery consistency. Histopathologic results indicated the availability of hemoghia and dilation of vein. The results showed that the administration brewed gaharu tea induced on mice begun from the doses of 130, 260 , 390 and 520 mg/kgBW doses there were not dead mice, but at 390 and 520 mg/kgBW doses steeping induced gaharu tea causing toxic symptoms. The further research was needed for safety of long-term consume and repetitive.


gaharu tea, subcronic toxicity test, mice, doses

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