Trimming Test and Administering Manure Towards Growth and Production of Paddy Salebu



Rice is an important food crop in Indonesia. These conditions encourage the need to increase national rice production. Increase national paddy productivity also needed to reduce imported rice and achieve resilience and self-sufficiency. The effort to increase national Paddy production is Paddy cultivation Salebu. This research uses a split-split plot design within 1 m x 1 m area, whereas the main plot is the organic booster formula of organic Paddy from the Booster stem trimmed 10 cm (K) and stem trimmed 20 cm (N). Organic cow manure (P1), organic goat manure (P2), organic chicken manure (P3) and not given (NB) as subplots while three Paddy varieties Ciherang (V1) and Mekongga (V2), Inpara (V3) as subplots. The observed parameters of the potential of each variety of production in each plot all treatments (ton/ha) include the number and weight of grain and Paddy growth include higher plants, long panicles and number of saplings. From the initial research results that the production of grain weight of very real effect against per plotVeritasMikongga V2 (213.46). For VeritasImpara V3 very real effect against VeritasMikongga V2. Grain Weight Perplot parameter after the statistical tests shows that the treatment vareitasChiherang V1 (870.63 gr) have no effect against real VeritasImpara V3 (872.08 gr) but the very real effect against VeritasMikongga V2 (901.63 gr). For VeritasImpara V3 very real effect against VeritasMikongga V2.


manure. organic fertilizer, Paddy cultivation, salebu.

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