Water Hyacinth Extract and Liquid Waste of Tofu Industry affected on growth Performace of Deli Tobacco Seedlings



The use of plant extraction and waste product utilisation as a source of organic nutrients is a novelty in conjunction of using organic product by fulfill plants nutrient requirement. An experiment was carried out to determine the most suitable dosage level of water hyacinth extract in combination with liquid waste of tofu industry on growth performance of Deli Tobacco seedlings. The xperiment was conducted at Deli Tobacco Research Agency, PTPN-2 Medan-Indonesia and its arranged in a factorial randomised complete block design followed by Duncan multiple range test to separate between treatment means.Based on analysis results, the effective dosage of water hyacinth ectract application on the growth performance of Deli Tobacco was found at 3 liter per seedlings during nursery process or 220 ml/application (E3 treatment). This treatment factor resulted in a significant highest on parameter measuement of plant height (20.76 cm), leaf area index (76.00 cm2), root volume (2.70 ml), total fresh weight (31.57 g) and total dry weight (5.63 g). Meanwhile, the suitable dosage of liquid waste of tofu industry was found at 300 ml/seedlings during nursery process or 45 ml/application (T3 treatment). This treatment factor produced a significant highest on parameter measurement of of plant height (19.51 cm), leaf area index (69.24 cm2), root volume (2.80 ml), total fresh weight (34.57 g) and total dry weight (5.50 g). Nevertheless, no interaction was occurred between water hyacinth extract and liquid waste of tofu industryapplication


Deli Tobacco, Water Hyacinth Extract, Liquid Waste of Tofu Industry Table 1. Height of 7 MSPT Age Seedlings in Treatment of Water Hyacinth Extract and Tofu Liquid Waste

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