University of Pembangunan Panca Budi Veterinary Clinic



University of Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan called Unpab pioneered the establishment of Veterinary Clinic in North Sumatera Province. This activity is one of the Community Service Schemes financed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education sector of Campus Intellectual Product Development Program (PPUPIK) entitled "PPUPIK Clinic of Animal Livestock and Pets Animal of Unpab" with the implementation period of three years. For the first year, Unpab Veterinary Clinic focuses on the development of livestock clinics. This program is a form of implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi to the society that is; 1. Education, 2. Research and Development and 3. Community Service. In this program, Unpab is conducting the development of Animal Livestock Clinic in Kecamatan Namorambe and the establishment of Pets Animal Clinic of at Campus I Unpab. The purpose of this program is to improve the health services of farm animals and pets animal to the peoples. Unpab Veterinary Clinic is managed by a veterinarian who is also Lecturer. Unpab veterinary clinic not only has animal livestock health services but is also equipped with reproductive and breeding animal livestock. The programs are pregnancy examination, birth aids, caesarean section and artificial insemination program (IB) in cows and goats. Veterinary services in these two clinics are integrated through an Integrated Veterinary Clinical Application System


Unpab Veterinary Clinic, Animal Livestock Clinic, Pet Clinic, Veterinarian.

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