Comparison of Farmers Income of Rice Field (Oryza Sativa L) with Transplanting Techniques (Tapin) and Direct Seed Planting Techniques (Tabela) (Case Study: Aras Village, Air Putih Subdistrict, Batu Bara District)
The rice farming activities cultivated by farmers in addition to aiming to meet the food needs of their families are also a source of livelihood. From the rice farming business, it produces a number of income. To get maximum income, farmers try to do cultivation techniques innovation, and one of them is by Direct Seed Planting Technique (TABELA). Even so, there are also farmers who cultivate the transplanting techniques (TAPIN). This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the income of rice farmers by using transplanting techniques (TAPIN) and direct seed planting (TABELA) and how the efficiency of rice farming in the village of Aras, Air Putih sub-district, Batu Bara regency. The research sample amounted to 20 TAPIN farmers from 100 populations and 20 TABELA farmers from 200 farmers with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using descriptive analysis, cost analysis and statistical analysis of average or t-test difference (independent sample t-test). The results of the study showed that the Tapin farming income was Rp. (9.346.085) greater than the revenue from Tabela (8.600.990). The average difference test shows that the income of farmers who use the Tapin technique is greater than the farmers who use the Tabela technique. And shown t-count> t-table then H0 is rejected and H1 is received where t-count is 5.25> t-table 1.68. The B / C ratio in the Tapin system rice field farming is 1.07, where the value is 1.07> 1 then the Tabela system farming is said to be efficient. while the B / C ratio in the Tabela system farming is 1.04, where 1.04> 1 then the Tabela system farming is said to be efficient
transplanting techniques, direct seed planting techniques, income, farmers, rice field
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