Making of Cattle Liquid Semen Using Tris Yolk Extender and Sweet Orange Essential Oil in Kelambir V Village, Hamparan Perak District



The addition of sweet orange essential oil to tris yolk extender can improve the quality of cattle liquid semen. The community service implementation is expected to increase the knowledge of cattle farmers in the Hamlet I of Kelambir V Village, Hamparan Perak District, about how to manufacture liquid semen using tris yolk extender and sweet orange essential oil which can be used for Artificial Insemination programs. This system is expected that farmers will gain knowledge on how to make liquid semen. If later the farmer has a good superior cow, the farmer can make his own liquid semen and make artificial insemination on his livestock business. The results obtained from the implementation of this program was that farmers know how to make cow's liquid semen using tris yolk extender and sweet orange essential oil. It is expected that if later the farmer has a good superior cow, the farmers can make his own liquid semen and make artificial insemination on his livestock business.


Artificial Insemination, cattle, essential oil, liquid semen, sweet orange

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