Potential of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria on Reducing Soluble Sulphate Level in Phosgate Medium with Various Ph at Laboratory)
Acid sulphate land in Indonesia covers 6.71 million ha spread on the islands of Kalimantan, Papua and Sumatra. Acid sulphate land is found in areas that have topography including flat (<3%). Judging from the extent, topography and availability of water, the presence of acid sulphate land is being considered for the development of agricultural land, especially with the decreasing fertile land for agriculture. The land has the potential for food crops and annual development. Some of the land has been cleared for transmigration and planted with rice, pulses and fruits with results that are generally below crop production potential (Nugroho et al., 1992).
The agronomic constraints faced in acid sulphate soils are the direct effects of acidity mainly due to the increase in solubility / poisoning of Al and Fe (III), Mn and H ions, phosphate defects because they are fixed by Fe and Al to form Fe-P and Al-P, low base saturation and nutrient deficiency and salinity. If stagnant conditions are found, iron (II) poisoning, H2S poisoning, CO2 poisoning and organic acids are encountered. Whereas soil physical constraints are root developmental barriers at the sulfate horizon because of the stress of water deficiency for plants (Dent, 1986). The agronomic constraints faced in acid sulphate soils are the direct effects of acidity mainly due to the increase in solubility / poisoning of Al and Fe (III), Mn and H ions, phosphate defects because they are fixed by Fe and Al to form Fe-P and Al-P, low base saturation and nutrient deficiency and salinity. If stagnant conditions are found, iron (II) poisoning, H2S poisoning, CO2 poisoning and organic acids are encountered. Whereas soil physical constraints are root developmental barriers at the sulfate horizon because of the stress of water deficiency for plants (Dent, 1986).
Agriculture in acid sulphate land requires new technology input so that the production produced is good enough and the environment is well preserved and there is no land degradation. BPS application can reduce the concentration of sulfate in the soil, improve soil chemical properties, as indicated by changes in pH, C-organic (Siagian et al., 2015; Widyati, 2007). Giving organic material as an electron source followed by flooding to break oxygen supply as an electron acceptor will stimulat SRB activity (Widyati, 2007; Doshi, 2006). The results of research conducted by Siagian et al., (2015), showed that the administration of SRB reduced the sulfate content of former coal mines as well as increased the growth of rubber plants in the polybags after one month of SRB isolates.
From the results of research by Sitinjak et al. (2016), obtained 20 SRB isolates from three sources, namely from Kuala Simpang acid sulphate soils, Lau Sidebuk-debuk sulfur hot springs, Tanah Karo Regency and paper mill waste PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Porsea (TPL). The results of the study showed that SRB was tested at various pHs of growing media (liquid postgate) able to increase the pH of the growing medium. Further research is needed to determine the potential of SRB for dissolved sulfate levels in growing media carried out in the laboratory. Therefore, the authors are interested in conducting research for the testKeywords
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