This research was conducted at the auction market of Siborongborong District, North Tapanuli Regency of North Sumatera Province. The purpose of this research are to know the mechanism in the auction market of red pepper, the effectiveness level in the auction market and the influence of price feasibility and then social relations, farmer's attitude, performance of administrators toward the effectiveness in auction market of red pepper. The sample was consists of farmers who were in the auction market. Determination of the sample was determined accidentially or who happenned to be in the location by interviewing the farmer directly with the number of samples that used 30 samples. Model of analysis that the data used was descriptive analysis, method of rating scale and multiple linear regression. The result of this study showed that the distribution of effectiveness in the auction market of 90%. For simultaneous test or F test stated from the whole variable has a real impact. Based on t test with a level of 95% eligibility prices, farmers attitudes and performance management significantly influence the effectiveness of the auction market while social relationships did not influence significantly the effectiveness of the auction market
Effectiveness, Auction Market, Red Pepper
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