Aren As A Conservation Plant That Values Economics In South Tapanuli
The condition of palm sugar farmers in almost all regions in South Tapanuli Regency is quite alarming, so the term "if aren farmers do not have social relations". The work done does not recognize the conditions of the day and weather, because if left behind will cause damage to leads and nira which are expected to not drip again. Meanwhile, in addition to sap there is still palm fruit that can be processed into products of economic value. This study uses the laboratory experimental method to determine the nutrient content of palm sugar (kolang kaling), product nutritional content and organoleptic test to determine the level of panelist acceptance of the product produced compared to existing products. Organoleptic analysis opens the likers scale.
Palm fruit (kolang kaling) is processed into fibrous drinks, agar and jam. The results of research conducted by comparing the products produced with the products on the market show that the products from Kolang Kaling are unique, for example, panelists provide high value from taste, and a distinctive aroma because the products are not using preservatives and artificial sweeteners. but using juice as a sweetener for drinks. Likewise with the agar and jam produced, the panelists' responses are generally very positive, especially from the natural side of the product produced. Wider use, for example by establishing small industries in the center of palm sugar plants, will provide economic value to the community and ultimately increase their income.
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