Innovation of "Farmers" and Auction "(Hukaku)" Mobile Applications for Increasing Productivity and Market Access to Land Groups in Cinta Dame Village Kecamatan Simanindo Samosir Regency
The purpose of activity is to provide software training to farmer groups in an effort to increase productivity and market access in farmer groups in the love village of SimanindoSubdistrict, Samosir District. Partners in this activity are the Mandiri Farmers Group and Farmer Group Saurdot at Cinta Dame Village.The problem faced by the Farmers Group are the selling price is very cheap such as dried corn which is sold for Rp. 350, - per kilogram, the agricultural waste have never been used (usually farmers will burn waste or residual production), attack of fungi on the Onion plant. Until now there are no experts who can solve the problems of these farmers. Solution to overcome this problem by using the "HUKAKU" Auction Application so that farmers can sell agricultural products at reasonable and competitive prices and "FARMERS" Application so that farmers can communicate and discuss with agricultural experts. Both applications that will be implemented complement each other to become complete and appropriate solutions for farmers to increase productivity, open market access and improve health services. The results of this activity were an increase in agricultural income and productivity in the Farmers Group
Application, Farmer, Income, Productivity
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