The Effect of Pruning and Chicken Manure on Vegetative Growth of Honey Deli (Syzygiumaqueum Burn F.) in 9 Months Age



The study was conducted in April 2018 until June 2018, on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra Jl.Tuar No.65 Medan Amplas District, Medan.Place height 27 masl. This study aims to determine the effect of pruning and administration of chicken manure on the vegetative growth of deli honey (Syzygium aqueum Burn F.) at the age of 9 months.This study uses Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 treatment factors, namely Pruning with 3 levels, namely P0: Without Pruning, P1: 75 cm, P2: 85 cm and Chicken Manure with 4 levels, namely A0: control, A1: 100 gram / polybag, A2: 200 gram / poly bag, A3: 300 gram / polybag.The parameters measured were plant height, stem diameter,leaf size, number of branches, leaf area, age of flowering, leaf chlorophyll.The results showed that pruning treatment had a significant effect on the parameters of the height of honey medicinal plants and the administration of chicken manure significantly affected stem diameter, number of leaves, number of branches, leaf area and age, and the interaction between pruning and chicken manure had no significant effect on all parameters observation


guava honey,pruning,chicken manure.

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