Conservation Soil Processing Test on The Improvement of Soil Physics Properties



Conservation soil processing tests on soil physics properties is one of the efforts to increase agricultural production is intensive tillage. Soil processing aims to provide or provide a better growing environment for plant growth. There are 3 types of tillage. They are no tillage, minimum tillage, full tillage on corn and peanuts, minimum tillage can increase crop production. This research was conducted in nursery of the seed nursery of Balai Benih Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura, Medan. This research used Randomized non factorial design which was the Soil Processing Factor as a sub-plot consisting of 3 levels were no tillage (T0), minimum tillage (T1), full tillage (T2). The results of this research showed that soil treatment had significant affecton the improvement of soil physical properties, namely bulk density, total pore space, permeability and no significant effect on all parameters of soil physical chemical properties


tillage, soil physics, conservation

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