Effect of Low Temperature on Upland Rice Germination



Fifteen rice genotypes were used for cold tolerance evaluation at the Thermogradient-bar. Seeds of rice genotypes germinated at ten different temperatures containing low temperature (constant 13C for 9 days) and control (constant 31C for 9 days). This study aimed to evaluate quickly for getting the tolerant rice lines on low temperature stress. The study was conducted in April-June 2017 at Biology Laboratory, LIPI. A total of 10 lines of upland rice and 5 checks were used in the testing. Gradient temperature on thermogradient-bar tool were 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30 and 31oC. Seeds of each genotype tested with 5 replications. The results show that low temperature stress began to look at the temperature of 18 oC. The most low-temperature sensitive genotype is the DHP KARO 121 at a temperature <18oC. seed germination were lower than the sensitive check, followed by a low percentage of leaves, even though the root length, shoot length, wet weight and dry weight showed almost the same values as the strain tested. Sigambiri Putih has better performance during germination under cold temperature (13oC) and, in general, it is known that Sigambiri Putih genotype is more cold tolerant than other ones


Cold Tolerant, Rice Germination, Thermogradient-Bar

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