Bulbs Results Of Four Kinds Of Genotype Cassava (Manihot Esculenta, L) Occulation Methods And Maked Hole Plant
This research aims to find out the effect of genotype cassava using grafting technology and maked hole of plant method on the growth and yield of cassava. The study was conducted at Kuala Gumit, Langkat from April 2015 - January 2016. The research used a Randomized Block Design (RCBD) with two treatment factors and four replications. The first factor was the genotypes cassava with occulation technique consisting of 4 levels, namely the cassava genotype of malaysia batu, malaysia susu, ubi roti and mangu. The second factor is occulation method and maked hole of plant planting hole consisting of 2 levels, namely without occulation and without maked hole of plant and using the occulation method and maked hole plant.
The results showed that genotype cassava occulation method and maked hole plant had a significant effect on the variables of plant height, stem diameter, tuber diameter, tuber length, tuber weight and number of cassava plant tubers. There is an intraction of all observed variables. Malaysian batu has superior growth and yield compared to malaysian susu, ubi roti and manguKeywords
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