Laboratory Studies on The Efficacy of Annona Muricata Seed Crude Extract in Protecting Stored Rice Grain Against Sitophilus Zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
The study was conducted to determine the efficacy of Annona muricata seed crude extract against Sitophilus zeamais in protecting stored rice grain. The seed crude extract were admixed with the rice grain at 0 (control), 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4% (v/w). The result showed all concentrations tested caused significance effects on adult mortality, number of progeny and percent weight loss. The 0.4% of A. muricata seed crude extract concentration caused the highest mortality (100%), no progeny produced, no weight loss and caused the fastest mortality (about 100% at 3 days after treatment). The rice grain treated with 0.2% concentration caused 86% adult mortality, 32.4 of progeny produced and 3.28% of weight loss. The moderate effect was shown at 0.1% concentration (67% of adult mortality, 68 of progeny produced and 4.25% weight loss). The lowest effects of crude extract tested was shown at 0.05 and 0.025% concentration of seed crude extract with about 34% adult mortality, 254.6 and 286 progeny produced, 8.97 and 11.24% of weight loss. The crude extract of A. muricata at 0.4% concentration provided good protection for rice grain agains S. zeamais
Efficacy; Annona muricata; seed crude extract; Sitophilus zeamais; rice grain
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