Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) for Swimming Sports Learning Media

Surya - Guntur, Ahmad Riady Hasibuan


Swimming is one of the most popular water sports. However, currently, the process of learning swimming still uses printed books. Therefore, the aim of this research is to design and build learning media that can help and simplify the swimming learning process using augmented reality technology. The research method used is a software engineering approach using the waterfall method includes the analysis, system design, implementation and testing stages. The analysis stage includes collecting observation data, questionnaires, and determining the scope of application. The system design stage includes conceptual design in the form of use cases and physical design in the form of interface design. Our research shows that augmented reality technology can be used as a tool for learning swimming sports. Our tests showed that the product feasibility was 94.7% and media feasibility was 95%. This proves that the application is highly feasible according to media experts and user respondents. The results of black box testing also show that the functionality of the system has been responsive, accurate, compatible, and successful to run all menus and features. Thus, this application can be distributed to be used as a medium for learning swimming sports. The design implementation stage was carried out using Unity 3D. The testing stage involves media and product feasibility testing using a dichotomous scale and black box testing. The results of our findings are an application of augmented reality technology that can be used as a medium for learning swimming sports. In addition, the test results show product feasibility of 94.7% and media feasibility of 95%, which states that the application is very feasible by media experts and user respondents. The black box testing results also show that the system functionality is responsive, accurate, compatible, and successful in running all menus and features. Thus, this application can be distributed to be used as a media for learning swimming sports.


3D animation; Augmented Reality; Swimming; Instructional Media

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