Prototype of Salt Content Monitoring System in Salted Fish Production Process Using Internet of Things
Salting fish is a traditional preservation process that involves the use of significant amounts of salt. The right salt content is essential to maintain the quality and safety of the final product. However, manual measurement of salt content is often inaccurate and time-consuming. Therefore, this study aims to develop an Internet of Things (IoT)-based salt content monitoring system that can monitor salt content in real time during the salting fish production process. This system consists of a salinity sensor connected to a microcontroller and an IoT platform for data collection and remote monitoring. Data obtained from the sensor is sent directly to the IoT platform via a wireless network, allowing real- time monitoring of the salting fish production process conditions remotely. The test results show that this system can provide accurate information on salt content in the salting fish production process, thereby helping producers control product quality more effectively. With the implementation of this system, it is expected to increase efficiency and quality in the salting fish production process and minimize errors due to inaccurate salt content measurements. In addition, this system also has the potential to be applied to other food processing processes that require salt content control.
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