Paper Rex Shop E-Commerce Website Design Using PHP: Enhance Online Shopping Experience

Sumita Wardani, Salsa Maisah Andani, Ahmad Riady Hasibuan


In the ever-growing digital era, online shopping experience has become a very popular phenomenon among consumers. In an effort to improve the online shopping experience, designing and developing an effective e-commerce website becomes important. This paper aims to design an e-commerce website called Paper Rex Shop using the PHP programming language. The use of the PHP programming language in developing this e-commerce website allows for integration with a strong database and efficient data processing capabilities. In addition, this website is also designed to support responsiveness, so that it can be accessed well via computers and mobile devices. The design of this e-commerce website is expected to provide a positive contribution in improving the online shopping experience for consumers. In addition, the results of this paper can also be a reference and inspiration for other e-commerce website developers in designing effective and innovative solutions to improve the online shopping experience.


Ecommerce; Paper Rex Shop; Website

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