Utilization of Mobile Applications to Speed Up The Search for Android-Based Index Places
Purwokerto is one of the cities in Central Java Province. The development of Purwokerto is currently quite rapid, both in the economic and educational fields. There are many boarding houses for rent in the Purwokerto area, especially around campuses and business areas. However, the majority of boarding house owners still market boarding houses manually, such as by putting up a sign saying 'Accept Boarding House' in front of their house or by hiring a jockey. Along with the development of current technology, especially in the field of smartphones, many applications have emerged to help their users. To bridge the needs of users and boarding house providers, an application is needed that can display information on boarding houses in Purwokerto. The application that is built is mobile-based with an Android operating system for users who want to find boarding houses. While boarding house providers use a web-based system that can update boarding house advertisements. The method used in compiling this research uses the Waterfall model. The testing stage is carried out by conducting a product test. The product test is carried out by testing the application using the attributes of reliability and durability, conformance, serviceability, appearance and perceived quality. Android-Based Boarding House Information System in Purwokerto can help users or boarding house seekers to obtain information about boarding houses more quickly, so that users become more efficient in finding boarding houses according to their wishes.
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