Evaluasi Kondisi Belitan Generator Transformers (GT) Dengan Sweep Frequency Response Analysis
Abstrak Pengaruh gaya elektromagnetig yang besar dan terus-menerus, berkibat belitan transformator daya cenderung mengalami perubahan. Mencegah terjadinya gerakan belitan transformator daya berkembang yang mengarah pada kerusakan utama sangat penting, oleh karena itu pendeteksian dan perawatan transformator perlu dilakukan secara rutin agar transformator dapat beroperasi dengan handal. Metode Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) dikembangkan untuk mendiagnosis kondisi mekanik belitan transformator Metode pendeteksian kondisi belitan transformator diperoleh hasil yang akurat. Hasil yang diperoleh semua kondisi belitan dalam keadaan baik tanpa perlu adanya perbaikan.
Kata kunci : Belitan Transformator, SFRA
Abstract The influence of the large and continuous electromagnetic force causes the winding of the power transformer to tend to change. It is very important to prevent the winding movement of the power transformer from developing which leads to main damage, therefore it is necessary to detect and maintain the transformer regularly so that the transformer can operate reliably. Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) method was developed to diagnose the mechanical condition of the transformer winding. The method of detecting the condition of the transformer winding obtained accurate results. The results obtained are all winding conditions are in good condition without the need for repair.
Keywords : Transformer Winding, SFRA
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/rele.v5i1.10790
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