Pengaruh Pemakaian Beban Tidak Seimbang Terhadap Umur Peralatan Listrik
The unbalanced loads used is common to electricity consumers, and common at the field. Many of its 20 KV Distribution Depots are installed to serve users of electrical energy, and the lack of management of kWH Meter setup settings based on profiles of each customer is different from each other, as well as the use of varying electrical energy in each customer causing uneven distribution of the Distribution Tray. This raises another problem, namely the loss of electrical energy due to imbalance Electrical load in each phasa. Therefore, the authors analyze the effect of load imbalance on the age of electrical equipment. Furthermore, applying appropriate measures to balance the load of the transformer, so that consumers are expected to better understand the consequences of Electrical Load imbalance.
Distribution Trayer, Load imbalance, Age of Electrical Equipment
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