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Franciele dos S., Priscila F., M., Andr L., L., Joo J., D., P., Igncio J., de G., 2016. Damage caused by fungi and insects to stored peanut seeds before processing. Bragantia vol.75 no.2. Print version ISSN 0006-8705On-line version ISSN 1678-4499.
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Pammenter N.W. and Berjak P. 2014. Physiology of Desiccation-Sensitive (Recalcitrant) Seeds And The Implications For Cryopreservation. International Journal of Plant Sciences 175(1):21-28. DOI: 10.1086/673302.
Sekretariat Jenderal Kementrian Pertanian, 2015. Outlook Karet. Komoditas Pertanian Sub Sektor Pertanian. ISSN:1907-1507. Pusat data dan system informasi pertanian.
Sershen A. Perumal, B. Varghese, P. Govender, S. Ramdhani, P. Berjak., 2014. Effects of elevated temperatures on germination and subsequent seedling vigour in recalcitrant Trichilia emetica seeds. South African Journal of Botany, Volume 90, Pages 153-162.
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