Characteristics Of Intellectual Civilization Of Islam Melayu Nusantara Xvii-Xviii Centuries

Yahya Yahya, Yuniar Handayani Handayani, Helyadi Helyadi


Indonesia is century XVII rich in Islamic intellectual traditions, this is marked by the emergence of many Islamic intellectuals with their many written works. The Islamic intellectual tradition, especially in the XVII-XVIII centuries, was not widely known or only limited to knowledge, both from Islamic researchers and Muslims themselves. This is due to the geographical location of Indonesia which is relatively far from the center of the Islamic world and the in-depth introduction to this area by Orientalists or other Islamic observers, is relatively recent, namely when the Dutch colonialists began to feel the need to know Islam and its people for the sake of colonialism. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the characteristics of the Malay Archipelago Islamic intellectual civilization in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The results of this study indicate that the XVII-XVIII centuries were one of the most important and dynamic periods of Islamic intellectual history through the intellectual network of scholars based in Mecca and Medina (Haramain), with the following intellectual characteristics: First. The number of written works in Arabic script Jawi and Arabic Pegon, the two writings in the field of religious studies, the third Writing in the Field of Literature, Fourth, Writing in which elements of local culture are preserved and integrated into the Islamic value system .


Characteristics, Intellectual Civilization, Islam Malay Archipelago

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