Islamic Civilization In The Implementation Of Worship During And Post Pandemic Covid 19

Antony Antony, Purmansyah Ariadi Ariadi, Rulitawati Wati


The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid 19) engulfing the world including Indonesia has an impact on all aspects of life, both in the economic, socio-political and religious fields. Indonesia, the majority of which is Muslim, has also experienced the impact of the corona virus in worship, such as congregational recommended at home, maintaining distance, no activities that gather masses of people and various regulations and policies set by the government. But there are some people who have the view that Covid-19 is God's destiny that must be accepted, as a test and a warning. This understanding appears among those who adhere to the Jabariyah, Qodariyah and Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah schools. The method in writing this paper uses descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the implementation of worship during the pandemic and post-covid-19 pandemic. So the perception says that first, as God's destiny that must be accepted, it is closer to the Jabariyah view. Second, as a test that must be addressed. The perspective of the qadariyah school. Third, the amalgamation of effort and trust, the Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah perspective. 2) The practice of Islam during a pandemic can change according to the emergency conditions, if conditions return to normal, then the implementation of worship applies the original law.


Islamic Civilization, Worship Practice, Cocid-19 Pandemic

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