New Directions Of Islamic Education In Indonesia; Opportunities And Challenges Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Ani Aryati Aryati, Azwar Hadi Hadi, Zulkipli Jemain Jemain


This article aims to reveal and discuss the dynamics of the development and discourse of Islamic education within the framework of examining with a futuristic approach, what are the challenges and opportunities of Islamic education after the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a descriptive-qualitative research method with the aim of systematically and factually describing the characteristics of the policies applied to national education, especially Islamic education during the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on Islamic education. The results of the discussion show that the new direction of post-pandemic Islamic education must be oriented to at least three things, namely the use of Islamic reasoning based on the Qur'an and Hadith, human resources (human needs), and technology. First, the Qur'an and Hadith have been manifested as the spirit of Islamic education. Second, there is a need for human resources. Competence and capability of human resources has emerged as an important factor in Islamic education. The changing times require Islamic education to remain adaptive. Third, technology. The atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic necessitates not conducting the online learning process. All educational institutions are asked to stop the offline learning process. Instead, distance learning (PJJ) is carried out. This process clearly requires mastery of qualified technology. The vision of post-pandemic Islamic education is, first, to determine the type of school to be applied, and second, to strengthen human resources. Third, strengthening institutions and management and fourth increasing technological progress.


New Direction, Islamic Education, Post Pandemic

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