Tracing The Existence Of Legal Smart In Islamic Jurisprudence Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

Ali Imran Sinaga


One of the traces of the post-Covid-19 pandemic on the technology side is that people aregetting smarter in using online applications, making it easier or faster to do all things and at the same time seeing results quickly. However, in terms of sources of Islamic law, there are two kinds of sources of Islamic law, namely agreed sources of Islamic law and sources of Islamic law that do not agree with various categories, experiencing a new problem, namely the emergence of other sources of Islamic law and is called Legal Smart in Islamic Jurisprudence. Legal Smart in Islamic Jurisprudence is in the form of institutions and some are in the form of individual-partial. Its existence and position are still foreign in the hierarchical sources of Islamic law. Anyone quickly discovers, consumes and shares this legal istinbath without considering its quality and this is dangerous at the level of authorityof Islamic law and is very concerning. This research is one of the author's direct surveys and observations on the sharing of WhatsApp, Tiktok, Facebook, and Google applications in Islamic law products developed by people who do not have an established basis of Islamic law. The reading community should be more selective and not so easily accept legal messages of less quality, especially this online application.


Legal Smart, Jurisprudence, Istinbath, New Santri

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