Implementation Of Ramadhan Values To Realize Social Piety Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Mavianti Mavianti, Ellisa Fitri Tanjung


This article aims to determine the implementation of Ramadan values in daily life considering that the month of Ramadan is carried out in post-pandemic conditions. After 2 years of running it in a pandemic situation, when the pandemic starts to slow down, it gives its own essence. As we know that worship has two scopes, namely the personal dimension and the social dimension. The presence of the month of Ramadan is certainly a very strategic momentum in strengthening this dimension. Because it is undeniable that these two dimensions increase in the month of Ramadan. The increase in individual piety must also be accompanied by an increase in social piety. Because when the month of Ramadan we are able to be more solemn when worshiping, tarawih, alms and so on. By carrying out fasting worship will further increase faith, piety and solidarity with others so that the main community is realized with complete faith. And the hope is that when social piety that has been formed during Ramadan and provides benefits to the wider community will not only last during fasting during the pandemic but can be continuous afterward until there is no end. Because the true values of Ramadan can be implemented in everyday life as evidence of individual piety.


Implementation, Ramadhan Values, Social Piety, Pandemic

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