The Wisdom Of Fasting And Eating According To The Sunnah For The Physical And Spiritual

Faisal Amri Al Azhari


Food is a basic human need. To meet these needs, you still have to maintain a healthy diet so that the body remains healthy and the balance of the soul is maintained. Because the pattern of eating and what is eaten greatly affects the human personality. Do not let these needs just fulfill lust, so they tend to live to eat. What you eat and what you eat affects not only your personality but also your body's health. Ideal health is in accordance with Islamic Shari'a and following the example of the Prophet's way of eating and what he ate. The best way to maintain a diet is to fast, which Allah directly teaches in the Qur'an in surah al-Baqarah verses 183-188 and direct examples from the Prophet SAW in doing a lot of sunnah fasting. A healthy body, common sense, and a healthy soul can be achieved if you can practice this fasting law. This is the greatest wisdom in the sharia of fasting for Muslims and even mankind as a whole. Where many people do not take care of their physical and mental health greatly affects their behavior. If the body is not healthy then the movement of the steps is limited to be able to do a lot of good and preach Islam. Meanwhile, if the soul is not healthy, then the behavior will be bad, such as greed, uncontrolled sexual desire, until the business of looking for food in a vanity way such as corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Even according to the Shari'a, haram food greatly affects the quality of worship to the point that worship and prayer are not accepted because the result of seeking for unlawful food to its peak is going to hell because the stomach is filled with haram.


Wisdom, Fasting, Eating, and Sunnah

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Majalah Suara Muhammadiyah, Rubrik Tafsir at-Tanwir.


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