Teaching The Characteristics Of Letters To Early Childhood During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Ra. Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah

Dela Safira, Mavianti Mavianti


This report discusses Teaching Character traits to early childhood During the Covid-19 Pandemic In RA. Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah designed and implemented with the aim of improving children's abilities in recognizing the characteristics of letters. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The results of this study used several methods, namely: Observation and Interview. This activity was carried out in two stages, namely singing and in private one by one the children (Face to face). It is hoped that the Principal and Teachers will always maximize every meeting during the Covid-19 period. Designed as attractive as possible so that learning is fun. Therefore, teachers must also master what children like and always have new ideas in conveying material in the form of songs so that children can easily accept it, especially in material about the nature of letters.


Early Childhood, Character Traits, Teaching, Pandemic

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