Implementation Of Tahfiz Munawwir's House On Implementing The Quran In Tembung

Irma Fitriani, Soci Mayada Rahma, Dianto Dianto


As Muslims, of course we know that the Koran is a guide that there is no doubt in it. era after age continues, sophistication continues to grow. So sophisticated today's information tools make us forget the time. More time for useless things when we use it in a negative way. Therefore the solution to avoid the increasingly rapid age of the house of Tahfiz Munawwir teaches to preserve the Koran to get used to being read every day in life to improve the quality of memorization. So that they can divide their time and create longing in studying the Koran in the guidance given by educators to students at the Tahfidz Munawwir house. The specific target to be achieved from this research is to motivate the students of Tahfidz Munawwir's house in getting used to the Koran to be read every day, the method used in this study is a qualitative method using the approach and type of natural observation research and interviews so that data is collected. -data that you want directly well. The result is that Tahfidz Munawwir's house wants to lighten up the wall with the light of the Qur'an for every student to read and memorize, so Tahfidz Munawwir's house opens up opportunities so that from childhood they are accustomed to living with the Qur'an.


Implementation, Application of the Koran

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