Teaching To Read The Qur'an With Qiroati Method To Childrens Ra. Puspa Hati During The Covid 19 Pandemic

Indah Sekar Arum


Studying and teaching the Qur'an is an obligation for every Muslim person. Learning to read the Qur'an needs to be done early, because in this period the period and pattern of development are very important, growth and development. The method of learning to read the Qur'an is a way used in the teaching and learning process to achieve the expected goal of being able to read the Qur'an smoothly, well, and correctly. The qiroati method is an education system that focuses on students and the rise of classes or volumes is not determined by month or year and not classically, but individually. In this study, using qualitative research methods and to analyze data using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the analysis showed that teaching to read the Qur'an in early childhood with the qiroati method during Covid 19 was not as effective as normal times, due to time constraints. It becomes an obstacle for teachers during the teaching and learning process. When delivering materials, there is almost no difficulty, and children easily understand qiroati materials. Then, the technique of teaching qiroati methods in normal times and Covid 19 periods uses individual classics. This technique makes it easier for children when learning to read the Qur'an with the qiroati method.


Covid 19 Pandemic, Teaching the Qur'an, Early Childhood, Qiroati Method

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