Teaching To Write The Letters Of Hijaiyah In Ra/Paud Children In The Covid-19 Pandemic In Ra Al-Ghazali

Indria Pratiwi


This study aims to determine the teaching children to write hijaiyah letter used of the Iqro method 'by teachers in introducing and writing hijaiyah in RA AL-GHAZALI childhood. This study was conducted with the form of research and descriptive. Data collection tool is a guide interviews, observation. The subjects in this study were 1 teacher and 5 early childhood children in RA AL-GHAZALI. The results show the application of the method Iqro 'in introducing and writing hijaiyah in RA AL- GHAZALI childhood has been good. Application of the method Iqro 'by teachers in introducing and writing hijaiyah in RA AL-GHAZALI children one by one recitation or reading hijaiyah guided by the teacher using the book Iqro. In addition, teachers also introduced hijaiyah by writing several letters hijaiyah chalkboard.


Teaching,Writing,Hijaiyah Letter ,Childhood

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