Methods For Quickly Memory Of The Quran 30 Juz Two Years Mutqin In Tahfizd Al-Quran Imam Ahmad Abi Abdillah

Dona Santika, Aisyah Amini, Dianto Dianto


Memorizing the Koran is one of our closeness to the words of Allah SWT, the increasing number of tahfidz houses that have sprung up recently, as well as schools that take the tahfidz of the Koran as their superiority, shows that the growing public awareness of the importance of producing generations Al-Qur'an memorization with Qur'anic character also shows the high public need for institutions that teach Qur'an tahfidz properly and correctly. Therefore, it is important for a tahfidz institution to understand the importance of managing its institution with correct and professional management, not just based on road management so that it can produce quality Qur'an memorizers in accordance with the expected competency targets of graduates. tahfidz institutions or tahfidz subjects at school, but there are also many schools that cannot stabilize the memorization of their students or confirm their memorization, here Tahfidz Imam Ahmad Abi Abdillah has a fast and reliable memorization strategy in memorizing the Qur'an within a period of 2 years 30 juz. As an educational institution that aims to provide the best educational services, it needs to show an image as an institution that has the best quality (quality). Therefore, educational institutions (schools) need special strategies so that the quality they have can be conveyed properly so that they are known by the intended stakeholders.


Method, and Memorizing The Qur'an

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