Learning Outcomes Of Student Worship Practices In The Post-Covid 19 Period

Selamat Pohan, Selamat Selamat


Worship learning activities for students cannot be separated from practical activities. Learning worship subjects at the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra is a compulsory university course. This is supported by various demands for learning outcomes that must be passed by students while learning is faced with Covid 19 conditions. The problem that needs to be studied is the Learning Outcomes of Student Worship Practices in the Post-Covid 19 Period. Covid 19. This research method is a literature study and uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study prove that in conditions during the pandemic, students are less able to master the learning materials taught online. So that students still practice a lot of worship activities that are not in accordance with the sunnah or not in accordance with the expected learning outcomes. It is proven that when taking part in the kompri examination, many students still do not understand the teachings of the sunnah. Then students also still practice their worship readings from previous habits that are not sunnah. Due to the COVID-19 period, online worship learning for students cannot be maximized.


Learning, Worship, Covid 19.

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