Restrictions On Studying During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Talang Balai, Belida Darat, South Sumatra
This study aims to describe how effective the implementation of religious activities is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tutong Village. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The reseacrh subject is the Ustadz or Ustadzah in recitation at the children's recitation place. Ustadz the leader of the weekly Islamic study, as well as several people who take part in the weekly study. The research instrument used interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that religious activities carried out in the midst of a pandemic were effective, both in the implementation of routine assessments and children's recitation. There are no obstacles in the implementation of the two activities, and there is also no regulation requiring all participants who participate in recitation to wear masks, but in children recitation place, students are required to maintain personal hygiene. As for the two religious activities, the Ustadz or Ustadzah always provide education about Covid-19 to child's recitation student and to routine recitation participants every week.
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