The Behavior Of The Muslim Community Of Medan Denai Subdistrict To The Implementation Of Walimah Al-'Urs Post Covid 19

Khairil Azmi Nasution


The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between knowledge and behavior of the Muslim community in Medan Denai District in the Implementation of Walimah Al-'Urs After Covid 19. The main problem in this study is "How is the Implementation of the Muslim Community in Medan Denai District towards walimah al-'urs" after Covid 19. The main problem in this research is "How is the Implementation of the Muslim Community in the Medan Denai District towards walimah al-'urs" After Covid 19. The first problem in this paper is How is the Law for the Implementation of Walimatul 'Ursy in the Perspective of Islamic Law, and the second problem is how to implement Walimatul after the Covid-19 pandemic in the Medan Denai sub-district?. This type of research is in the form of field research (file research) with the research approach used is normative juridical. The data sources for this research are the Muslim community in Indonesia Medan Tembung District, The data source of this research is the Muslim community in Medan Tembung District, Which consists of Entrepreneurs, ASN, Teachers, Lecturers and employees. The data in this panel were collected using a questionnaire and deep interview. Data collection methods in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, data processing and analysis techniques are carried out through three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of walimatul 'ursy in Medan Denai District in its implementation still followed the health protocol in accordance with the government's recommendations. Based on the ministry's circular regarding the appeal for the implementation of the Covid-19 handling protocol in public areas within the Directorate General of Guidance for the Islamic Community


Behavior, Implementation of Walimah Al-'Urs, After Covid 19.

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